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MEU Acquisitions

We apply forward-thinking ideas and solutions to the most challenging acquisitions. Our experience has taught us that each acquisition is a unique transaction. i.e. each business is unique and so are the owners and their circumstances.

We are continuously sourcing businesses that fall into some basic criteria. Businesses that are in the revenue region of £500k +/- to £20 million +/-.

The sectors we show interest in are those that resonate with us and our investing partners. We do not seek to acquire businesses that are trading/manufacturing: alcoholic beverages, Animal Slaughter/processing, Adult entertainment, Nonbank and Alternative lending.

Although MEU preference is for 100% acquisition of a business, we often take into account and consider alternative options that may best suit a business owner.

Not every business is looking for an immediate exit, but a phased out exit that may be in the provisions of a management team buy out.

Understandably there are lots of different reasons you as a shareholders/owner may look to exit, you might be looking to dedicate your time into another business, a new venture, retirement is around the corner with no succession plan, an event outside work has lead you to re-evaluate your time spent towards your business and it's time to exit. Whatever the reason, we will work with you hand-in-hand to implement an exit strategy suitable to you.

NEXT step:

Get in touch using the form below and one of our team members will be in touch to discuss your enquiry further.

You can also call us if you'd prefer a  chat over the phone.

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